The Cover-up and Build-up to 9/11

An explanation of the world leading up to the mad day of 9/11.

The world is completely, sadly dumb. And so dumb, it can be easily duped and manipulated because even if it isn’t dumb, it is unable to counter what’s perpetrated against it.

And the masters of the universe know this.

The horror of what happened on that fateful day in New York, when the Twin Towers were demolished with the loss of so many lives was so unspeakably horrifying and frightening, most people were too shocked to draw breath let alone realise the truth in front of their eyes. Even today, despite the evidence, which is growing daily, there are so many gullible people adhering to the ridiculous government mantra of who was responsible despite it being illogical. Aided and abetted by the mainstream press, TV and the media in general, it has been completely exposed for the fraud it is. For those who are still beyond being helped to lift their heads out of the sand, please refer to the Architects and Engineers of America who have formed an alliance at to bring the whole matter to a formal enquiry borne out of the question as to how Building 7 came to fall.

This alone is enough but there is so much else I would only ask the reader to wake up and smell the f*&%ing roses.

But I am not here to talk about or expose the 9/11 day of hell. I want to expose the incidents that led up to it – and I don’t mean in the previous months. I mean, in the decades.

It started with the murder in plain sight of JFK, followed by Martin Luther King and then Robert Kennedy.  These murders interspersed the growing protest over the Vietnam war. Less violent but nonetheless substantial was the impeachment (unheard of) of a president (Nixon) on the pretext of a break-in at the Watergate Center.  Really when you think of it you couldn’t make it up – Nixon ended the Vietnam war, was the first important westerner to visit China in the Communist era and looked to provide stability and fairness in his administration. So, WTF? Other than this there was one small but vile and substantial attack on the human psychic – the Sharon Tate murders a matter for its time that I’m not going to expound on it here. Suffice to say, its main culprit – the madman Charles Manson – actually did none of the disgusting attacks himself is still in jail and will die there.

After that it was seemingly all quiet on the ‘western’ front – forget the extreme Arab terrorism in the face of the attack by the Israelis which is a separate but recognisable issue – until November 1978 when the first step was taken in the New World Order destroying the sheep minds of the masses in the form of the Jonesville massacre.

Now,  I’m going to list all the events that have led up to the big one – 9/11 – and I’ll leave it to you, the reader, to discover what it was that happened if you don’t know or weren’t around. However, what I’m getting at is there is a pattern. You can see it in the dates. And you might particularly take note that since 9/11 these things have stopped although the Arab spring and the West’s disturbance of Middle East power has wrought havoc on European stability. Perhaps, that was part of the plan, too. It certainly would all fall in to what some have suggested is a Jewish conspiracy to run the world.

18 Nov. 1978 -Jonesville massacre, Guyana
6  Dec. 1989 – Ecole Polytechnique , Quebec

These two incidents are mentioned as I believe they were a preparatory softening up process. Note George H Bush was around at the JFK assassination, was in the Secret Service at the time, became head of the CIA before becoming vice president with Reagan (no brain) and eventually, president himself when he announced a “new world order” had begun on SEPTEMBER 11, 1991

19 Apr. 1993 – Branch Davidian, Waco (Texas)
19 Apr. 1995 – McMurrah Federal Bldg, Oklahoma
13 Mar. 1996 – Dunblane, UK (the only non-US incident; to draw the UK into the field)
19 Mar. 1997 – Heavens Gate, California
24 Mar. 1998 – Jonesboro, (Arkansas) – Clintonville
20 Apr. 1999 – Columbine (Colorado) – next to Lockheed Martin Missile manufacturing
11 Sept. 2001 – Twin Towers et al

See the pattern? 93, 95, 97, 99, 2001? And all bar one Mar/Apr.






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